
Damon Wingo

Software Engineer

Projects: Some of my work /





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Hanging in there?

Referral: Why brag? I'll let them do it /

Person Alex Castelli
Person Betsy Hare
Person Kaity Miller

FAQ: Because its better this way /

Why did you decide to become a developer

I initially wanted to do something with IT. Computers itself have always fascinated me but,
was turned on to code when I took my first class with my instructor Thomas Brady at Trident Tech.
When my first web page was built, the sense of accomplishment I felt at that point was phenomenal.
I have been addicted to that feeling ever since

How would you handle a conflict with a team member?

I realize that not everyone are going to see eye to eye especially in software development, if I feel I am
right in a situation (this is on a technical issue of course) I would attempt to appeal to logic providing proven
facts and documentation on the matter. If there is still a disagreement I would seek a second opinion. There is no
development conflict that can't be solved calmly...besides all the best places to hide a body are taken.

What are you looking for in a company?

I am searching for a company that will help me grow in my chosen field. I don't want to be stuck using the same technology
day in and out. I want to work for a company that is not afraid to try new things, and will give it's employee's the tools and
opportunity to do that.

Contact: A lot better than morse code or 2 cans and a string /